Monday, March 12, 2012

Fundraiser numero uno

I am writing to announce a big fundraiser that is in the works right now. The weekend of the huge Hwy 68 yard sale (June 1-3 in Paducah) I will be having a yard sale at my parent’s home. I know everyone has a box of stuff sitting in their house somewhere labeled “yard sale” but you either don’t want to mess with it or don’t think you have enough stuff to warrant a yard sale (that's always me). Here is your chance to get rid of that box of said stuff! We will be accepting donations of items for the yard sale to help bring home Baby Anderson from Ethiopia!

Also, for those in the Owensboro area, we will be having a yard sale too, the details haven't been worked out yet but if you have a GREAT location for a yard sale in an area that has a huge yard sale weekend and would be willing to let us set up then please contact me!

You can email me if you have any questions, rosebud76(at)gmail(dot)com
Thank you so much for your time to read this and your prayers.

Lauren and Zack

Friday, March 9, 2012

Huge Announcement!!!!

So last night Zack and I went to meet with Meredith, our wonderful Social Worker who will be holding our hands as we walk through this journey.  She shared with us her beautiful story of their adoption of baby Hensley and Hollis from Ethiopia.  Here's the thing, I know God's got this... It's right in the palm of His hand...  See when Meredith was assigned to us it was purely a God thing.  She has been amazingly patient in answering the millions of questions I have shot to her via email and tonight.  She was able to ease my mind on what is involved with the Home Study and the mountain of paperwork that will be in our near future.  But see that's not the best thing about our pairing, while she was sharing with us about her babies and the journey they have had God was speaking to Zack and I that we were about to take the SAME path she and Curtis had taken...  Literally....  Going into this meeting with her Zack and I had tossed around the possibilities of adopting from this country or that country and even adoption domestically.  Neither of us really had decided anything so we were excited to learn all about the advantages and disadvantages to domestic and international.  We knew where Baby Anderson would be coming from when we left there.  I had just assumed that it would be domestic or an Asian country, I would have never imagined where God has called us to adopt from.

Baby Anderson will be coming to us from...
Africa had already become a dear place to Zack in his heart and now my heart is full of love for a little tiny baby that will be coming from the beautiful country of Ethiopia.

We left our meeting knowing how much it's going to cost us (approx 26,000), how long it will take (approx 12-18 months starting now), and where we go from here.  We are scheduled to have our Home Study on March 19th, 2 weeks after that it will be finished.  At that time we will file another form and prepare our dossier.  I can't believe that in about a year I can be holding my little bitty baby!  :)  Zack and I have been searching the house and putting stuff on Ebay to sell, we have some fundraisers set up and once the Home Study is complete we can then apply for grants.  Please continue to pray for us and especially pray for Baby Anderson and their birth momma's health!

Click on over to Zack's Blog to read his side of the story.  :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Belly of butterflies!

I am so excited and ready to meet Meredith, our Adoption Worker tonight in Elizabethtown.  :)

We will be handing over to her a large stack of papers that we have spent the last few weeks gathering together and spending time asking questions and having the process explained to us.  I pray that we will have a clearer picture of where we want to adopt from and what kind of time frame we are looking at. 

The weather is pretty gloomy and rainy today.  Please keep our travels (ours and Meredith's) in your prayers today/tonight. 

One more step closer to bringing you home Baby!